Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Nothing to Anyone

Ugh, yesterday was just one of those days where, while trying to be everything to everyone, I ended up nothing to anyone.

I work in the office 3 days a week and at home 2 days a week. Yesterday I was in the office and away from the babies.  I usually work 7am-3pm and miss the 3 o'clock team meeting each Tuesday. Since my wonderful mother-in-law was in town, I told my boss I could stay until 4 to make sure I could be at the meeting.

My mom calls first thing, having personal problems. Talked to her for awhile, I had no solutions though so I was not very helpful. Got going at work. Around noon I got a million phone calls and emails all of the sudden with clients. I got caught on a call around 2 and was late to pump before the meeting. So I wrapped up the call without putting my notes in the computer, ran to pump. Finished pumping, ran to meeting. Was late for meeting.

Meeting topic? Why we aren't working hard enough. Yup, an hour of demotivation about how we need to put in more effort to be successful. I am maxed out right now, so this is not a reassuring message. Not the best meeting to have stayed for.

Run out of meeting. Boss finds me. Turns out important deal is falling apart and she needs details so she can handle. Can I walk her out? Sure, why not? Grab stuff - forget to put notes in computer. Forget notebook with important notes. Grab milk from fridge for babies. Annoy boss because I'm taking so long getting my stuff together.

Explain work situation to boss, get to car 10 mins behind schedule. Text the wife that I am on my way. Start driving and worry about deal that is falling apart.

Check phone - realize I left it on silent. 4 missed called from the wife. Missed call from friend. Missed call from boss. Ugh. Callback wife, she's mad because she forgot I was working late and didn't remind her. Callback boss, deal is almost definitely dead. Almost crash car while trying to return a million calls while driving in rush hour. Get caught in traffic. Take 20 mins longer than normal to get home.

Walk in door, Little Man is screaming his head off. Wife hands him over while she rushes to get ready for work. I drop all my work stuff at the door. Calm baby. Get list of chores wife needs me to do.

Take care of babies, get them to sleep. Start chores. Realize I need to send a bunch of email for work. Realize I forgot my notebook. Find some notes - proceed to send important email to the wrong person. Go to bed, can't sleep.

Wake up in the morning, realize I didn't have clothes laid out or lunch packed. Realize I left all of my work stuff sitting out and had forgotten to clean stuff for breastpump. Then realize I ran the dishwasher last night with half the bottles still on the counter.

Make formula pitcher for the day. Hand wash pump stuff. Retart dishwasher. Get ready. Head to work - late.

Ugh. Definitely not one of my best days.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Creativity needed!

So, I have two online communities that I LOVE! One is Fertile Thoughts. We have a thread I've been on for almost two years now and I got amazing advice from starting to try to get pregnant all the way through today. Love those ladies on there!!!

More recently, I've also been on Twiniversity. Great advice for Mothers (or parents) of Multiples. They have a ton of dicussion and, by reading the dicussions, I pick up a ton of great mom advice (not just twin specific).

The one thing I've noticed is that there is no similar community I can find for LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) families. Most of it will be general parenting discussions I am sure, but there are also a lot of challenges faced as an LGBT family that I think warrants some support and lively discussion.

So...My next endeavour is to start such a group! (Or, if I'm mistaken and there already is one, let me know!). I just have a few questions -

1 - Should it be the whole LGBT community or are the concerns different enough that there should be a lesbian group, gay dads group, etc
2 - What in the world should I name it?!?
3 - How do I find enough members to make it interesting and helpful enough for all of the members out there?

Would love your input whether you are part of the LGBT community or not! Thanks in advance!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Peep Show!

For those out there that have breastfed babies, you may be all too familiar with the breast pump. For those of you that have yet to have the pleasure of making its acquaintance, you are lucky. Yes, it serves its purpose, but I definitely have a love hate relationship with mine.
I will likely write more on this dysfunctional relationship later, but the only thing you need to know – there is no modesty while pumping! Boobs are out, nipples in full view, milk squirting out. Yeah, nice image, I know.
Since going back to work when the twins were 6 weeks old, I’ve had to pump in our empty sales training room. The last lady had to pump in the super cooled server room (closet), so I consider myself pretty lucky. One problem, however, is that it doesn’t have a lock on the door. So I’ve made a little cubicle in the back corner. If someone decides to walk past the big “Do Not Enter” sign, as they often do, I’m still hidden enough that they won’t see anything while I’m yelling at them to get out.
My little pumping station is on the second floor of an office building with those shiny, reflective windows. I’ve made sure to check, there’s no way someone can see you from the parking lot.
So, Monday, I’m pumping away. I decided to try closing my eyes and picturing the babies, it is supposed to help you produce more milk. For the record, doesn’t work for me at all. Evidently I’m not good at imagining this weird machine is actually my children, go figure.
While I’m sitting there,  I hear a little sound. Since I didn’t hear the door open, I know there’s no way anyone came in the room. So I sit there for another 2 minutes at least, eyes closed, pumping away. Then I hear a kinda loud bang on the window and I finally look up expecting to see some dumb bird flying away that had just flown into the building. Instead I see…window washers.  Yup, on their crane, washing the windows right in front of where I’m sitting – they have to have been there for at least the past 2+ mins!! I’m not a shy person, but believe me was I embarrassed! And yes, you can see through the windows if you are suspended right outside of them, I just hadn’t imagined there would ever be people right outside a second story window!
So after trying to subtlety disentangle myself with two guys standing right there (and trust me, it was not subtle, I was practically tripping over myself, spilling milk, boobs out etc) I returned to my desk to see an email warning the office that the window washers were coming. Sent about 1 minute after I left my desk, ugh!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why a blog?

When we decided it was time to start out family, I went and scoured the internet for other lezzie moms like us. And...not much! 

We get all kinds of questions every day from strangers, friends, family, and acquaintances about how we got pregnant, what our lives are like, how we deal with the "haters" out there. Figured it was time we made our story public.

So follow our story of the ups and downs of a being a new family - raising twins, managing careers, and dealing with the joys and challenges of parenthood.